About Me

I am generally interested in the field of computer vision, particularly in foundation models for computer vision, generative models for images, implicit representation and representation learning.

I work on developing tools for Machine Learning parctioners at Weights & Biases. My day-to-day tasks include

  • developing and maintaining integrations with open-source libraries such as keras, ultralytics, super-gradients, kaolin-wisp, etc.
  • prototyping experimental tools in the Weights & Biases ecosystem as part of wandb-addons.
  • writing exciting and beautiful blog posts on machine learning using W&B Reports.
  • talk about my work at different webinars.

I’m fairly active in terms of open-source contributions. Besides wandb, I regularly contribute to Keras, KerasCV, and Keras Examples. Thanks to my job, I get to contribute to a lot of other open-source repositories including Ultralytics, Super-Gradients, Kaolin-Wisp, PyTorch Geometric, and many more. I have also developed and am maintaining the integrations of Weights & Biases with many of these repositories. I am also actively working on wandb-addons which hosts a set of experimental utilities and integrations for Weights & Biases.

My Career Timeline:

In my free time, I watch anime, read books and manga, play video games, write poetry, sketch on ProCreate, and ocassionally dabble in the dark arts of computational graphics.